Elementary Parent Cue: April 7, 2019

Bright Side: Find the Light in the Dark
Week 1
Life App (This month’s theme)
Hope – Believing that something good can come out of something bad.
Say This (This week’s bottom line)
“Whatever happens, remember how powerful God is.”
Scripture (Primary scripture taught)
John 11:1-45
Morning Time (Reinforce this week’s lesson at home)
As you say goodbye to your child this morning remind them, “No matter what happens today, remember how powerful God is and that He’s got it!”
Remember This (Memory Verse)
“In this world you will have trouble.  But be encouraged!  I have won the battle over the world.” John 16:33b, NIrV
Bigger Than Your House
by Brooklyn Lindsey

In the Parent Cue world, we often talk about Widening the Circle for our kids— inviting people into your life and into your kid’s life that youhope will influence both you andthem in a positive way. But how do you do this? How can you invest strategically in these relationships? Here are a few ways:
1) Talk to the person you hope will influence your kid.
That person needs to know that yourkid looks up to them and is influencedby them. Express your hopes that he or she will be someone your kid canconfide in and will build a relationshipwith them. Talking to the people that your kids will be talking to is really important and helps establish a mutual level of trust.
2) Understand the value of multiple influences.
A small group leader, a coach, a youth leader, a relative, a counselor, a teacher . . . they all have different levels of engagement with your kid. But the right few will be saying the same things you are saying, but in a way that might actually be heard. They will give your kid a safe place to wrestle with things that, you as a parent, might freak out over. They will be someone your kid can look up to, have fun with, and help them navigate through difficult times.

3) Make a list of people.
One person isn’t enough, and one person shouldn’t feel the burden of meeting everyone’s needs. We all have different gifts. God made your kid unique, so look for people with gifts that will light your kid up and challenge them, too.
Make a list, pray over the names, and begin talking to the people that you hope will be a part of your child’swider circle of influence and care.
What can you do this month with the few you hope will help you lead your kids? Get to know them, trust them, and bravely show your kids that there’s a wider circle of people around them that is bigger than the people in your house, but who are hopefully sometimes sitting in your backyard and at your table.

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