Community Care

At Horizon, we are committed to encouraging people to follow Jesus with their whole heart.  Our Discipleship Pathway is an effort to help every person, at every stage of life, to live a complete and balanced Christian life.


- Weekly Outreach
- Monthly Events
- Church Services


- Church Services
- Small Groups


- Volunteer
- Small Groups
- Church Services


- Weekly Outreach
- Monthly Events
- Church Service Volunteers

Coming Soon...

- Project Esperanza (August 10)
- Tualatin Elementary Barbecue (August 29)

Community Care

At Horizon, we are passionate about serving our community. God places a very high value on “Loving your neighbor as yourself.”


We believe that as we serve, we grow in maturity. Life is not all about us and God knew that our greatest fulfillment would come from loving Him by serving others. As His love flows through us, we begin to understand the bigger vision God has – the great commission – to share the good news of God’s love.


  • The mission is simple – love God and love others
  • The mission is unending – for all your days love God and love others
  • The mission is powerful – God flows through us to others
  • The mission is life-changing – for us and for our neighbors
    – Love God
    – Love Others

Ways to Get Involved

Back to School BBQs

You can flip burgers and provide a meal to the families at Tualatin Elementary School and Hopkins. We typically provide 700 meals. This has become a well-attended community event. The principal has said that some of the people there no longer attend the school, they just come because they like the event!

If you have connection to a food vendor, please email us. We need burgers, dogs, buns, chips, cookies & water, condiments.

Backpack Buddies

Tualatin Elementary has identified families that would benefit from having food sent home for the weekend.  Each Friday during the school year, we meet at 10:30am at Tualatin Elementary to fill backpacks and distribute them outside the classrooms.

You can help by donating food, time, or money. Currently we are serving about 77 families.

Marquis Senior Living

Join us on Thursday’s as we provide a church service for the Seniors at the Marquis Senior Living. We also do room visits for those who can’t attend the service. We will pray and invest in the Seniors in our community. I invite you to join us on Wednesday’s at 10:30am.

Even More...

There are a host of other things that we do to partner with the community, like Community Christmas, school staff lunches, etc.

To find out more email us.

Contact Us
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