The Relationship between Cabinets and Kids
Happy belated 4th of July! My wife, Audree decided she wanted to paint our kitchen cabinets from a golden oak to white. When she first was thinking of doing this, she thought we could be done by the end of the weekend, we started on a Thursday night. After seeking advice from a few different sources and friends, we learned that this is not ordinary weekend project. Painting your kitchen cabinets is a multiple week project! We are now going into week two of this project. I’ll be honest, I’m already done with it. I despise painting with a passion. I actually think that painting things could be a punishment in hell. But seriously, I’m not a fan.
I think this project is a little like being a kids leader at times. We can jump into serving thinking its only an hour of my week, but then you get asked to speak up front, or be a small group leader and that means a bigger time commitment than you thought. The added time can be a drain and maybe you think this isn’t the right thing for you to be doing. You start to feel burnt out. Its times like this that I turn to James 1:2-4 for a reminder of the purpose of the struggles I may be facing. It says,
“Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.” James 1:2-4 (MSG).
I think these verses remind us to not give up, because of the greater good that comes from the trials. After a few coats of primer and paint, I am beginning to see the potential for the outcome. I am excited to see how it turns out. The hard work and the time will make the final product beautiful. The time you invest in the kids and the additional things you do will make the final product of a child a beautiful creation in Christ. The more time you invest greater potential for an even more beautiful child. When working on the cabinets, the time we have taken to sand, paint, sand more, and paint more creates a smooth looking finish that will last. The additional time taken to invest in kids, by going to sporting events, dance recitals, and birthday parties will pay off and the child will be grateful for the investment you made.
We want our leaders to not forget that time is valuable for many reasons, one is to create a meaningful relationship with a child that will see Christ through them. If you are interested in seeing what God can do through you in the life of a child, start by filling out the background check form and either bringing it to our team on a Sunday or emailing us at [email protected]
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