There's one for everyone. Find yours.

We were made to live life in community with others but sometimes it can be hard to make real connections. Horizon Small Groups are designed to help you connect with others, and explore faith no matter where you are in your journey. Find a group to ask questions about faith, or gather around your interests or favorite activities. Go deeper in your faith, find a Bible study, book group, or discuss this week's sermon in more detail. Serve our community, be a mentor. There's a group for every stage of your spiritual journey.

The Discipleship Pathway

Our Biblical Model: Horizon Community Church exists to lead others to Believe in Jesus, Belong to His family, Become more like Him and Bless others. The following are groups for each stage of faith development.


Whether you're asking questions about faith, exploring what following Jesus is all about, or are new to your faith, Alpha groups are a great place t ask your questions and begin your faith journey.

- Alpha Groups


At Horizon, you can belong before you believe. There's a place for you here. And even if you don't come to church services, you can find an interest-based small group to join.

- Interest-based small groups


Become groups include Bible studies, sermon-based life groups, book groups and groups for men or women to grow together.

- Bible studies
- Book studies
- Sermon-based life groups
- Brotherhood groups
- Sisterhood groups


Looking to make a difference in our community? Do you want to be a part of God’s mission around the world? Perhaps you want to mentor others in their faith? A bless group may be a good fit for you.

- Global Teams
- Community Care groups
- Mentoring groups
- Service project groups

Start a group of your own.

If you'd like to start a small group of your own at Horizon, there's always room for more. You can start an interest-based small group to gather friends to play golf, kayak, play disc golf, scrapbook together, or whatever you're into. You can lead a sermon-based life group or Bible study. Start an Alpha group to help people find answers to life's most important questions. It all starts by filling out this simple form.

Small Group Resources

Right Now Media

Find video-based Bible studies and book group discussion guides for your small group

Learn More
Most Recent Sermon-Based Discussion Guide

Download the most recent sermon-based discussion guide.

Previous Sermon-Based Discussion Guide

Missed a week? Download the previous sermon-based discussion guide.

Small Groups Academy

Online training for current and future small group leaders.

Learn More
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